
JOHN SOLOMON: FBI Failed to Review “Highly Classified” Evidence in Hillary Clinton Email Investigation (VIDEO)

- Agustus 22, 2019

According to a staff memo updating Senators Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI), James Comey failed to review highly classified evidence in Hillary Clinton’s email investigation. 

Even worse, Comey would not give investigators access to the evidence even though they needed it to resolve important questions related to Hillary Clinton’s private server.

Senate investigators have wanted answers on this for over a year and the FBI is still stonewalling.

To add to the frustration, Attorney General Bill Barr still has not responded to Grassley and Johnson.

John Solomon said the evidence, which may have been found on Hillary’s server, was so highly classified that only a small amount of ‘special’ people have been able to view it in a SCIF [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility].

Via John Solomon of The Hill:

The failure to look at the evidence back in 2016 occurred even though the agents believed access to the sensitive evidence was “necessary” to complete the investigation into Clinton’s improper transmission of classified emails — some top secret — on her unsecure private email server, the memos show.

To make matters worse, the Trump Department of Justice (DOJ) has known about that decision since at least 2018, thanks to the work of the DOJ’s internal watchdog, Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz, who provided DOJ leaders and Congress with a classified appendix explaining what happened.

But Johnson and Grassley have been unable to get answers for a year, even from Attorney General William Barr, about whether the FBI intends to look at the critical evidence it skipped back in 2016.

“And now we learn the FBI willfully chose to ignore highly classified evidence in the Clinton email case and has stonewalled Congress for a year on whether it intends to reexamine that evidence,” John Solomon said.

“It’s exactly that sort of behavior that leaves many Americans wondering whether there are two systems of justice inside the FBI — one for the Clintons, and one for the rest of the country,” he added.

Watch John Solomon discuss this breaking story with Fox News host Sean Hannity:

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