Christina Gale Dixon turned herself in early Thursday morning on a warrant that was out for her arrest on charges of “custodial interference” and “criminal mistreat” stemming from an episode where she “kidnapped” her own daughter and fled the state to avoid DHS taking her child. Her daughter, Kylee Dixon, had been through the rigors of various treatments for cancer, and the family had opted for naturopathic treatment which was proving effective, whereas the traditional chemotherapy was not working and the tumor was growing.
Christina Dixon was arraigned on Thursday afternoon, and was ordered by Clackamas County Judge Jeffrey Jones to be released on recognizance. She is ordered to have no in-person contact with her own daughter, but they are allowed electronic visitations for one hour a week via skype, phone, or facetime, and those are to be monitored by DHS. Deputy District Attorney Christine Landers argued for there to be no contact whatsoever.
Christina is forbidden to talk about medical treatment during those conversations with her daughter. Kylee has expressed her desire to be returned to her mother and continue with the naturopathic treatment, while DHS is trying to force her to undergo more treatments that proved to be ineffective. Christina is also not allowed to attend her daughter’s medical appointments.
“I turned myself in so they can’t sneak up on me,” Dixon tells The Gateway Pundit. A grand jury returned a secret indictment on July 1st, and Dixon had been in hiding since then after learning a warrant was issued for her.
Deputies threatened to arrest one guy in the court room who was recording the proceeding on his phone, while a KOIN6 cameraman was just a few feet away recording it all.
Dixon says that one of the many problems that her daughter has encountered while under the care of the state is that she was put on Benadryl while suffering from withdrawals of the pain killers she had previously been on, despite there being record that she is allergic to Benadryl. “It says it in bold letters in her file that she’s allergic to Benadryl, but the doctors took that part out when they sent the files to the state case workers. The trust with the doctors at Dornbecher’s [children’s hospital] and DHS is broken,” Christina says. “Seeing the people in jail going through withdrawals, and knowing that Kylee was going through the same thing, it killed my heart.”
Christina also said that the state is actually administering the same treatment she had; CBD, vitamins and minerals, and seeing a naturopathic doctor. But for some reason that’s perfectly ok when it’s the state authorities doing it, but criminal when mom does it.
Christine getting released from the jail
Posted by Kylee’s Fight on Thursday, August 15, 2019
Christina is allowed to attend Kylee’s DHS hearing this Monday. Christina’s next court date is September 18th. The questions at hand: Does a 13 year old have authority over their own body? Does a parent have authority over their 13 year old’s body? Or does the state have ultimate authority over a 13 year old’s body?
You can follow this developing saga on the facebook page Kylee’s Fight.
The post Mom Who Fled DHS With Cancer Patient Daughter Turns Self In On Felony Warrants, Released On Recognizance appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.