There’s a girl in Illinois gunnin’ for AOC’s spot.
That’d be: the youngest woman to ever be elected to Congress.
And unlike Alexandria, who favors a system in which Americans can’t own their own businesses — otherwise known as socialism — Catalina Lauf is a conservative.
Last week, the 26-year-old announced her run for a seat representing the 14th District.
She’s aiming to take down Democratic Rep. Lauren Underwood.
So what’s her pedigree?
Catalina (cool name) is a former Trump administration advisor.
The Daily Wire recently interviewed her, during which she described what inspired her run for Congress:
“I am someone who is driven by purpose. I grew up with a profound love of this country, and when I see the other side, particularly young women who are using their platform to stand against everything this country has fought for, including my own representative in Congress, I couldn’t just sit there and watch. Politics is a bloody sport, but I believe so much in what I stand for, and I’m inspired by the men and women past and present who have fought for our freedoms, who have given up far greater than I ever will. This is the minimum I can contribute, and I want to ensure their fight was not for nothing. That starts by preserving our republic and helping us get back on track to where we should be. It is possible! The American Dream is alive and well and people like myself are going to ensure it remains that way.”
And how does she feel about the S word?
“We need to make it very clear to voters that the false promises of socialism come with a large price tag and they will be the ones who will foot the bill. Take the Green New Deal – that alone will cost the average American family about $75,000 in its first year alone. Once Americans learn the truth behind the Democrats’ rhetoric, the choice will be very clear. We also need to give them a choice, take these issues with a free-market approach. We need to offer our own ideas on how to tackle ballooning school debt and surprise doctor bills. And we need to be the adults in the room. While AOC and Lauren Underwood spend this Election Cycle calling Republicans racists and sexists, we need to keep moving forward, bringing people together around resolutions, not retweets.”
Learn more about Catalina at
Some may say I don’t fit the mold, but I’m a product of the American Dream. Today we see that Dream under attack from the divisive far-left. I’m running for Congress to defend the promise of the American Dream. Join me today
This is #ourfutureourfight— Catalina Lauf (@CatalinaLauf) August 22, 2019
The candidate’s wholly new to me, but it’d be interesting to have a young person on Capitol Hill who doesn’t open their mouth constantly and say the most ill-informed, nonsensical things. It feels like we might’ve maxed out on that.
Catalina’s a young, fresh energy to be added to Washington. Let’s sit back and watch the media tout her like it’s going out of style.
See 3 more pieces from me:
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The post She’s Canceled? AOC Has a Young Latina & Former Trump Advisor Aiming to Take Her Place in the Politisphere appeared first on RedState.