Fresh off the San Francisco board of Supervisors labeling the NRA a “terrorist organization,” a new poll from Rasmussen Reports shows that 28% of democrats want to throw people in jail for joining the NRA, and 32% of democrats “favor declaring the gun rights group a terrorist organization in the community where they live.”
The Rasmussen Reports article reads:
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that nearly one-out-of-three Likely Democratic Voters (32%) favor declaring the gun rights group a terrorist organization in the community where they live. Fourteen percent (14%) of Republicans and 20% of voters not affiliated with either major party agree. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Twenty-eight percent (28%) of Democrats say Americans should be prohibited by law from belonging to pro-gun rights organizations like the NRA, a view shared by 15% of Republicans and 10% of uanffiliateds.
Among all likely voters, 23% favor declaring the NRA a terrorist organization in their home community, while 18% think it should be against the law to belong to pro-gun rights groups like the NRA.
However, the general findings of the survey are favorable to gun owners, and even reveal some contradictions among the far left respondents:
Only 13% believe NRA members are more likely to commit a crime with a gun. A plurality (47%) says members of the group are less likely to commit such a crime, while 28% think the level of gun crime by NRA members is about the same as in the population at large. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.
Eighty-two percent (82%) of Democrats and 64% of unaffiliated voters want stricter gun control, compared to 45% of Republicans. But 57% of all Americans believe stricter enforcement of existing gun control laws is more important than putting new gun control laws on the books.
Fifty percent (50%) of voters share a favorable impression of the NRA; 44% do not. This includes 30% with a Very Favorable view of the group and 33% with a Very Unfavorable one. These views are virtually unchanged from March of last year.
Favorables for the NRA have ranged from 49% to 54% in surveys since 2011.
Republicans (78%) are far more likely to have a favorable opinion of the NRA than Democrats (32%) and unaffiliated voters (42%). But even among Democrats, only 17% think NRA members are more likely to commit a crime with a gun.
Voters under 40 are far more supportive than their elders of making it illegal to belong to gun rights groups like the NRA.
The post 28% Of Democrats Say Joining the NRA Should Be Illegal, 32% Agree With “Terrorist Organization” Designation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.