Lindsey Graham is a big talker.
On May 1, 2019 Lindsey Graham, the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, promised investigations on how the Mueller probe started.
He made the the comments during testimony by US Attorney General Bill Barr in front of the US Senate.
But Lindsey Graham lied.
Lindsey Graham is a fraud.
Lindsey Graham has scheduled NO COMMITTEE HEARINGS on Deep State, FBI, CIA, Spygate, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Mueller, Stefan Halper, George Papadopoulos, Tom Fitton, Sidney Powell, Joe diGenova, John Brennan, James Comey, Chris Wray, etc.
Here is the list of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings since Lindsey Graham made that lie back on May 1, 2019.
Earlier this week we found that Rep. Adam Schiff collected the phone call records of reporters, the president’s attorney and his colleague Devin Nunes.
Republicans lawmakers called on Lindsey Graham to subpoena the phone records Adam Schiff.
That would be interesting.
But Do-Nothing Sen. Lindsey Graham today said that will not happen.
The post Do-Nothing Lindsey Graham Shoots Down GOP Lawmakers – Says He “WILL NOT” Subpoena Adam Schiff’s Phone Records (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.