In November famed pathologist Dr. Michael Baden went on FOX and Friends where he claimed evidence points to homicide over suicide in Jeffrey Epstein’s prison death.
Dr. Baden also pointed to the three broken neck bones were “very unusual of suicide and more indicative of homicide strangulation.”
Dr. Baden is not the only top pathologist who said this. Dr. Cyril Wecht, a doctor and lawyer, told Kennedy on FOX Business Network in August a Montreal study found only 2 of 239 hanging death resulted in a broken Hyoid bone — or less than 1% of those killed.
Dr. Baden was hired by the pedophile’s family to observe the autopsy.
Dr. Baden also joined Judge Jeanine Pirro later that week where they discussed Jeffrey Epstein’s death.
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) November 1, 2019
During the discussion Judge Jeanine and Dr. Baden and showed convincing evidence that Epstein’s death was not a suicide.
Epstein’s bed was 5′ 6″. tall. Epstein was 4′ tall on his knees. The noose was found tied to the bed at 3’6′. According to Dr. Baden the height of the tie would not bring enough force to break ANY bones let alone three bones in his neck.
Judge Jeanine: Now I want to be real clear. I want the viewers to understand. I’ve tried these intentional strangulation cases too. The breaking of the hyoid bone, the fracture of the two Thyroid cartilage, that means serious force on the neck. That you don’t normally get in a hanging. Especially in a hanging. I want the next screen guys. Here’s a bunk bed. The height is 5’6″. On his knees Epstein is 4′ tall. You now have been able to identify that the tie is right there (around 3′ 6″).
Dr. Baden: The ligature is tied up here (3’6″) but it’s down to the floor as far as the body goes. So there’s not enough force there to cause ANY fracture.
Judge Jeanine: Any fracture at all, let alone these fractures?
Dr. Baden: Right.
Via Justice with Judge Jeanine.
This weekend photos were released from Jeffrey Epstein’s prison cell and from his autopsy.
The bed post shows where Epstein hung himself. Judge Jeanine and Dr. Baden pointed to this in their discussion.
According to Pirro and Baden it is highly unlikely Epstein was able to hang himself from this height.
And the doctors who performed the autopsy want you to believe these neck cuts were caused by bed sheets!
It looks more like a wire cut.
Jeffrey Epstein's graphic autopsy photos reveal bloodied neck
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) January 6, 2020
Dr. Michael Baden, who was hired by Epstein's brother to investigate his death, believes that forensic evidence points to murder, not suicide, and that the official ruling was "premature."
He points out that the noose has no blood on it despite the wound in the autopsy photo.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) January 6, 2020
Further damage on his body includes contusions on both wrists, muscle hemorrhaging on his shoulder, abrasion on his left arm, a cut on his lip, and burst capillaries on his face, mouth and eyes. Defensive wounds.
Epstein was strangled to death with a wire—he didn't kill himself.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) January 6, 2020
The post PHOTOS of Jeffrey Epstein Released Following His Death and Autopsy – It Sure Looks Like He was Strangled by Wire! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.