By Editors of The Free Iran Herald
Updates on events unfolding in Iran

Emmanuel Macron shows his support for the Khomeinist regime and in Rome, posters of the Quds Force leader, terrorist, Qassem Soleimani is seen hanging around the city.
Tuesday, February 11th, marked 41 years since the Khomeinists seized power in Iran. Customarily, they stage demonstrations to show that they have public support. The regime typically either forcibly or via bribery (paying the needy) buses Iranians into town squares of the capital, Tehran, often forcibly, to listen to regime officials boast about their supposed accomplishments. This year, however, the crowds were sparse, and even international journalists, who usually fall for the regime’s propaganda without questioning it, remarked how small the attendance was.
State media of #Iran‘s Islamic Regime falsely claimed millions of Iranians participated in the propaganda rally in celebration of 41st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in #Tehran. But here is the truth, just a few hundreds can be seen in #Shahyad Square of #Tehran on 11 Feb! pic.twitter.com/g0OAyCxbah
— Babak Taghvaee (Backup) (@BabakTaghvaee1) February 13, 2020
A video secretly filmed from the air by an Iranian soldier and smuggled to opposition activists abroad revealed that only a few hundred had come out into the streets.
Any media displayed by @JZarif, @NIACouncil or other pro-regime goons that shows a “massive crowd” rallying in commemoration of the 1979 Islamist Revolution in #Iran is old or fake. Here’s an aerial video of Tehran’s Shahyad Square during Rouhani’s address.
Skeleton crew!! pic.twitter.com/bJesH7agz7— Reza Behrouz (@RBehrouzDO) February 12, 2020
In other parts of Iran, people were observed cursing the regime at the staged Khomeinist events.
Choir is singing anti American revolutionary song in #Iran
See the reaction of the passerby after 25 sec#22بهمن #IslamicRevolution @barbaraslavin1 pic.twitter.com/Lr4RgBWeve— Potkin Azarmehr (@potkazar) February 12, 2020
In contrast to the feelings of rage and disgust that February 11th brought to the Iranian people, the European governments who have profited handsomely from the regime’s one-sided trade deals over the past four decades greeted the anniversary with joy. French President Emanuel Macron sent Tehran a congratulatory message, as did German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. These actions received much condemnation from Iranians over social media, and the German government was called out by the US Ambassador to Berlin, Richard Grenell, as condoning a murderous regime.
You congratulate a murderous criminal regime in Iran that still denies the Holocaust & embraces Holocaust deniers?! You’re a hypocrite for claiming you fight anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, but still embrace the Iranian Ayatollahs! https://t.co/m4b1hi6g2O
— Karmel Melamed (@KarmelMelamed) February 12, 2020
It’s a disgrace to #France that #Macron congratulated the anniversary of #Iran destructive, terrorizing and genocidal 1979 takeover by Islamist-Marxist terrorists to the Terror Regime president #Rouhani ! It’s like congregating Hitler’s birthday to Nazis!#YellowVest #eu #uk https://t.co/S1iaqnNcII
— Cyrus S (@CyrusShares) February 9, 2020
No one should celebrate the murderous Iranian regime. https://t.co/8UN4klfiID
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) February 6, 2020
In Italy, a regime proxy group called the “European Solidarity Front for Syria,” an assortment of radicals and mercenaries from across Europe who went to Syria in 2013 to fight alongside the IRGC in defending Tehran’s puppet Assad regime, plastered photos of the Qassem Soleimani all around major landmarks in most major Italian cities.
Front Europeo per la Syria, a pro-Syrian government activist group in Italy, put up posters of the assassinated IRGC General Qassem Soleimani all around Rome last night. pic.twitter.com/7ujFV5eQ9B
— Séamus Malekafzali (@Seamus_Malek) February 13, 2020
I don’t know how Italy allow some organizations to put these banners for the terrorist Suleimani. pic.twitter.com/814Mk1uHld
— Asaad Hanna (@AsaadHannaa) February 13, 2020
In the United States, celebrations at the Khomeinist regime’s interest section at the Pakistani embassy in Washington, D.C., were disrupted by activists who assembled outside in protest, but the next day, the Islamist-supporting Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) co-hosted a commemoration for the Tehran regime with Trita Parsi, the founder of the regime’s US lobby, the National Iranian American Council (NIAC).
(1/4)Last night, Iranian-Americans of different political backgrounds protested the Islamic revolution’s 41st-anniversary party in DC. At least 2 well-known American journalists refused to attend the event after being shamed by protesters. 41 y of cruelty shouldn’t be celebrated. pic.twitter.com/idpkojwqCA
— Navid Mohebbi (@navidmohebbi) February 8, 2020
Who would want to endorse Ilhan Omar to prevent the US for countering the Iran’s IRGC?
Of course someone related to the Quincy Institute under Trita Parsi! Eli Clifton
چه کسی بجز افراد نزدیک به تریتا پارسی میخواند که آمریکا در مقابل ج. ا. کوتاه بیاد؟ https://t.co/0uj4n6rIlU pic.twitter.com/0q63egbcPb
— Iranian American (@IranLionness) February 12, 2020
For its part, the Trump Administration used the day to reaffirm its stance of support behind the Iranian people.
The Iranian people have suffered under 41 years of failure of the Islamic regime in power in Iran. They should not have to endure even 1 more year of failure. We stand with the Iranian people in their hopes for a brighter future. pic.twitter.com/4VZXTRuii4
— Department of State (@StateDept) February 11, 2020
The State Department, additionally, tweeted a message condemning the regime for having sentenced eight human rights activists to long prison terms last week.
The U.S. condemns the sentencing of Abdolrasoul Mortazavi, Hashem Khastar, Mohammad Nourizad, Mohammad and Fatemeh Sepehri, and three others for up to 26 years in prison for demanding political change. We call for the immediate release of all political prisoners in #Iran.
— Morgan Ortagus (@statedeptspox) February 13, 2020
US officials also met with Iranian opposition activists, including Iran’s Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, in both Washington, and at the US’s embassy in Paris, France.
Today I met with senior US lawmakers to discuss the demands of Iranians protestors.I emphasized that the Iranian people will establish democracy in Iran & that the free world must pursue a policy of engagement with them, not continue the failed policy of regime behavior change. pic.twitter.com/bfrDXhRY45
— Reza Pahlavi (@PahlaviReza) February 11, 2020
Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau photographed with Khomeinist regime Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif
Just weeks after 57 Canadians were killed by Tehran shot down a Ukrainian airliner. Trudeau who is traveling to solicit backing for a seat on the UN Security Council, was photographed with Tehran’s delegation by an Islamic state photographer, though Canadian journalists were barred by the Prime Minister’s Office from attending the event.
PMO explanation for this pic: Cdn journos not present for what was described as unannounced “extremely brief encounter” between PM and Zarif. Cdn journos learned of encounter from PMO after the fact. More here: https://t.co/8emmWvka2C https://t.co/e0W5Pauk4z
— David Akin 🇨🇦 (@davidakin) February 14, 2020
Iranian sociologist and activist, Ladan Boroumand talks to Matt Kibbe ☞ Iranians Are Ready for Freedom
Khomeinist Cleric in Michigan Under US Government Spotlight
Mohamed Ali Elahi, the imam of the Islamic House of Wisdom in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, was briefly arrested and held for questioning by American law enforcement as he returned to the US from a trip to South Korea on February 6th. The Iranian-born cleric had publicly spoken in support of the terrorist IRGC Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani, calling him a “charismatic leader,” and had attacked President Trump for having had him killed.
Before coming to the US, Elahi had served as the head of the Iranian Navy’s Political Ideology Bureau, appointed to that position by Ayatollah Khomeini himself in 1982. In that post, Elahi urged Iranian sailors to hate America and fight Islamic holy wars (jehad) until Khomeinism would rule the world. Since arriving in this country, Elahi has used his mosque to promote Khomeinism and the Tehran regime, and is suspected by some of being a key point man between Tehran and Hezbollah sleeper networks inside America. Despite this, Elahi has attained great prominence in the state of Michigan, and last year was invited to offer the invocation prayer at the Michigan state legislature.
Detroit-area Imam Who Mourned #Soleimani was arrested last week. This dangerous Imam once had been appointed by #Khomeini as head of #Iran navy political & ideological bureau. He was responsible for brainwashing personnel & radicalizing them against #US. https://t.co/I6sVn5qM4F pic.twitter.com/R5GXF6kJ6q
— Babak Taghvaee (@BabakTaghvaee) February 13, 2020
Iranian activists and terrorism experts alike have long questioned how a man of Elahi’s background was allowed to emigrate to the US, and eventually obtain US citizenship. Voices are being raised calling on the Trump administration to look into Elahi’s case again, and finally move to end the Khomeinist infiltration of the USA.
Valentine’s Day Banned in Iran
As in many other countries throughout the world, observing Valentine’s Day has become rather popular in Iran. The Khomeinist regime, however, looks at it as ‘Un-Islamic,” and as such is trying to stop Iranians from giving each other cards, chocolates, or presents on the 14th. On Monday, the Qom Prosecutor’s Office threatened to shut down businesses that sell “anti-cultural symbols such as Valentine’s symbols,” and set up a hotline over which Basij militia members, and other Islamists, can call and report Valentine’s day observances. Valentine’s balloons have also been banned, and trade union leaders reported that that were ordered by officials to monitor balloon sales in order to make sure that no one was buying anything for the holiday.
Valentine’s day ban on selling goods, including balloons in Iran, since making love is against Islamic rules. What if you cover all valentine’s goods with #burqa? Does that make it halal.#41YearsOfMisery #ValentinesDay pic.twitter.com/hVLKdLO8wr
— Arashk (@Arashk88705006) February 13, 2020
Anti-Tehran Protests Continuing in Iraq
The Iraqi people remain in the streets, demonstrating against the Khomeinist regime’s domination over their country and interference in their political process. Saturday saw nationwide protests, centered as usual in Baghdad’s Tahrir Square. In Karbala, the protests were particularly virulent, with Iraqis chanting “Iran, get your dogs out of here, the Baghdad regime is more honorable than the one in Tehran!”
#Karbala protesters are chanting slogans against #Iranian influence in #Iraq#BaghdadPost #IraqProtests #saveIraqipeople #FreeIraq#Save_the_Iraqi_people pic.twitter.com/OSEghXNHwh
— The Baghdad Post (@BaghdadPostPlus) February 7, 2020
Protests continued through the week, with Baghdad featuring a million-woman march on Thursday, held after leading Shi’a politician Moqtada al Sadr called for public spaces to become gender segregated. Other women’s marches were held elsewhere around the country today.
A Women’s march in #Iraq today with signs “revolution is a woman” and chants rejecting calls for gender segregation of protests pic.twitter.com/kV9SkdVDfg
— Joyce Karam (@Joyce_Karam) February 13, 2020
Iraqi women of #Basra city in southern #Iraq marched today in solidarity with the anti-government protests in Iraq which started on October 25, and still ongoing demanding real change.
Video via Telegram #IraqProtests #العراق pic.twitter.com/WkqeWFcfvI
— Lawk Ghafuri (@LawkGhafuri) February 13, 2020
Women are marching in #Nasiriyah city southern #Iraq today. Protests in Iraq have been ongoing without interruptions since October 25, the demands are real change and more than 600 Iraqis have lost their lives to achieve the change. #IraqProtests #العراق pic.twitter.com/dpFoL6A5zw
— Lawk Ghafuri (@LawkGhafuri) February 13, 2020
Tehran’s militia forces remain active and have been installing posters threatening American soldiers around the streets of Baghdad. The threats were carried out on Thursday, when the Kataib al Hezbollah, one of the Tehran-controlled militias, attacked a joint US/Iraqi military base in Kirkuk.
Iranian backed Militias are placing symbolic “death by hanging” posters of U.S soldiers in the middle of Baghdad. The Iraqi government is not able to stop any of this, many politicians participate or keep quiet around such acts to cozy up to the Militias and Iran. pic.twitter.com/Lp4wGn3Kzp
— Steven Nabil (@thestevennabil) February 13, 2020
#BREAKING| A rocket attack hits an Iraqi base in #Kirkuk, where #US troops are stationed, as part of a series of #missile attacks against Iraqi bases housing US forces since protests started in October: AFP#BaghdadPost #IraqProtests pic.twitter.com/bx9p9C5R09
— The Baghdad Post (@BaghdadPostPlus) February 13, 2020
Regime’s Farce of a Space Program Exposed as Comical Propaganda
Mohammad-Javad Azari-Jahromi, the regime’s Minister of Information and Communications Technology, and the man who coordinated the Internet blackout in November as his regime slaughtered over 1,500 protestors, has been the target of online ridicule recently. On February 4th, Jahromi had unveiled what he described as a model of an Iranian space suit. Iranians soon were able to point out, though, that Jahromi’s “space suit” was simply a $20 American kids costume, that had had the American flag removed and the regime’s flag sewn in.
Oh My gosh, New Space suit! In Iran !!!! #jahromi_spaceSuit pic.twitter.com/m0IZYk2OSf
— Imperial State of Iran (@Iranepadeshahy) February 5, 2020
Most observers believe Tehran’s so-called space program to be a front for ballistic missile development. An attempted satellite launch failed spectacularly on February 9th, and the Zafar satellite crashed back down to ground, instead of reaching orbit. Debris from the rocket exploding was spread across Iran’s Sistan-Baluchistan province, but the regime again lied and claimed the vehicle had crashed into the Indian Ocean. Three previously launch attempts in 2019 had also failed and resulted in crashes. A new attempt is scheduled now for June.
The same rocket that can send a satellite into Earth orbit can also serve as an intercontinental ballistic missile. Were Tehran to develop a workable one, it would then be able to strike the US mainland.
📸 برخی منابع خبری محلی با انتشار تصاویری مدعی شدند که قطعات ماهواره ظفر در اطراف زاهدان پیدا شده است pic.twitter.com/FvE7HsJmAI
— حامد موسوی . (@es9MEqgVOXIXf0m) February 10, 2020
The post IRAN ROUNDUP Jan. 30th – Feb. 7th: The Khomeinist Regime Celebrates 41 Years of Tyranny; Congratulated and Cheered on by Europeans, and American Liberals appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.