Guest post by Frederic Sauer
Main Street investors have increased their buying of stocks during the current market downdraft.
Where is all the selling pressure coming from?
Wall Street short sellers are attacking the market to make a killing, tank the economy, and get Trump out of office.
Trump must reinstate the uptick rule to stop this now!
Recent data shows that main street investors have increased their buying of stocks during the current dramatic downturn. And yet the market is tanking—the Dow closed down 12.94% today.
On Friday, British, Italian, and Spanish securities authorities banned short selling.
The move was to to protect Main Street investors from short sellers who are taking advantage of the Coronavirus panic to attack the market.
Short sellers do not own the stock they sell. They merely borrow it, sell it, and hope to buy it back at a lower price to make money.
In a short seller attack in times of market uncertainty, the short sellers borrow large quantities of stock and sell it, hoping to drive the price relentlessly down.
As the market goes lower and lower, Main Street investors who are relying on stocks for their retirement, throw in the towel and sell, taking losses while the short sellers make large profits.
It’s time for the USA to protect Main Street investors from Wall Street short sale raiders. Ban short selling entirely or implement the Uptick Rule to protect Main Street investors.
The post PRESIDENT TRUMP Must Ban Short Selling Like They Just Did in Europe or Implement the Uptick Rule to Save the US Economy! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.