
FISA Court Orders FBI to Provide “Names” and “Docket Numbers” For 29 Spy Warrant Applications Found to Have Errors

- April 03, 2020

The FISC is ramping up its investigation of FISAgate.

The DOJ’s Office of Inspector General on Tuesday said in a report it still has a “lack of confidence” in the FBI’s FISA procedures.

Horowitz’s office found errors in all of the 29 FISA applications it reviewed during an audit as follow-up to an investigation of the bureau’s illegal spying of Carter Page.

The OIG released a report on Tuesday revealing the FBI’s FISA abuse is still a widespread ongoing problem.

“As a result of our audit work to date and as described below, we do not have confidence that the FBI has executed its Woods Procedures in compliance with FBI policy,” the OIG said in a 17-page memorandum.

The “Woods Procedures” were designed to protect American citizens to “ensure accuracy with regard to … the facts supporting probable cause” after recurring abuses where the FBI presented inaccurate information to the FISC.

The FISC on Friday ordered the FBI to provide “names” and “docket numbers” for 29 applications “for which the FBI could not locate a Woods File and the three for which it could not say whether a Woods File ever existed,” reported CBS’s Catherine Herridge.

The FISC will assess whether the errors render the spy applications invalid.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of FISA abuse, there still has been zero indictments of Deep State officials.

We want prosecutions, not scathing reports and strongly worded letters blasting FBI officials.

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