In wake of the Las Vegas shooting, ESPN2 “SportsNation” co-host L.Z. Granderson called for the nation’s leaders to think about the type of country they want the United States of America to be. Granderson said that with the shootings, racial tension rising, NFL protests and the health care debate that there needs to be “legislative change” to prevent future mass shootings. “I don’t know what the answer is, but what hasn’t worked is us continuing to do nothing,” Granderson stated. “I would hate to think … that we are the kind of country that decided that’s mass shootings like this where 40, 50, maybe the next time it’s 70, 80 Americans can just be gunned down out in public while having fun is something that’s a non-event that’s not worthy of our government or local officials being involved and trying to make legislative change,” he added. “I would hate to think that’s the kind of country that we are.” Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent