
President Trump Ignores Scowling San Juan Mayor at Puerto Rico Relief Meeting

- Oktober 03, 2017

Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Irma and then Hurricane Maria a categaory 5 monster hurricane two weeks later.

Most of the leadership in Puerto Rico praised and thanked the government for the much needed aid.

But the far left San Juan Mayor Caren Yuliz Cruz Soto decided on Friday the best way to help those suffering was to go out on all of the liberal mainstream news outlets and trash President Trump.

San Juan Mayor: “I’m mad as hell because my people’s lives are at stake… We are dying, and you (Trump) are killing us with inefficiency”

The San Juan mayor accused FEMA and President Trump of offering her no help.
She said this in front of a pallet of US aid.

On Saturday FOX News contributor Geraldo Rivera interviewed Mayor Cruz and then tweeted this.


San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz is a staunch Democrat who supported Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election.

Via Reddit The Donald:

On Tuesday President Trump visited Puerto Rico to observe the hurricane damage and relief updates.

The far left San Juan Mayor is in the room scowling at the US president.

She looks annoyed and did not look at him.


President Trump shook Mayor Cruz’s hand when he entered the meeting.

The post President Trump Ignores Scowling San Juan Mayor at Puerto Rico Relief Meeting appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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