
New Comey Edits Revealed=> Hillary Clinton’s Private Emails Containing Classified Info LIKELY HACKED by “Hostile Actors”

- Desember 15, 2017

New documents released by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee Thursday reveal Comey made more edits to Hillary’s draft statement.

One very shocking revelation is that “hostile actors” likely gained access to Hillary Clinton’s private email which of course contained classified information. 

Via Fox News:

Newly released documents reveal that then-FBI Director James Comey’s draft statement on the Hillary Clinton email probe was edited numerous times before his public announcement, in ways that seemed to considerably water down the bureau’s findings.


The edits also showed that references to specific potential violations of statutes on “gross negligence” of classified information and “misdemeanor handling” were removed.

The original also said it was “reasonably likely” that “hostile actors” gained access to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email account. That was later changed to say that scenario was merely “possible.”

The final statement also removed a reference to the “sheer volume” of classified information discussed on email.

“While the precise dates of the edits and identities of the editors are not apparent from the documents, the edits appear to change the tone and substance of Director Comey’s statement in at least three respects,” Johnson wrote Thursday.

Johnson also wrote, the precise dates and editors of the document are not apparent, however; the edits change the tone and substance of Director Comey’s statement in at least three respects.

That includes, Johnson said, “repeated edits to reduce Secretary Clinton’s culpability in mishandling classified information.”

Fox News reported that Johnson, referring to the recent news of Trump-hating FBI agent Strzok said in conclusion:

“In summary, the edits to Director Comey’s public statement, made months prior to the conclusion of the FBI’s investigation of Secretary Clinton’s conduct, had a significant impact on the FBI’s public evaluation of the implications of her actions. This effort, seen in light of the personal animus toward then-candidate Trump by senior FBI agents leading the Clinton investigation and their apparent desire to create an ‘insurance policy’ against Mr. Trump’s election, raise profound questions about the FBI’s role and possible interference in the 2016 presidential election and the role of the same agents in Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation by President Trump.”

Comey drafted Hillary’s exoneration statement BEFORE he interviewed 17 witnesses, including Hillary Clinton! We also just recently found out that Hillary’s email investigation was given ‘special status’ while swamp creature McCabe only recused himself one week before the presidential election despite obvious conflicts of interest.

A REAL investigation must be conducted. Americans are mad as hell!


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