
Crooked Cop Rod Rosenstein Refuses to Tell Congress if Mueller Special Counsel Is Investigating Trump Business Empire (VIDEO)

- Desember 15, 2017

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

Bombard’s Body Language expert evaluated his testimony in a video posted Thursday morning.

The body language expert believes Rosenstein was shifty and dishonest in his performance yesterday.

An important segment that did not make any headlines was when Rosenstein was asked if the far left Special Counsel was looking into the Trump business empire.

When Mueller asked if the Special Counsel was authorized to investigate the personal finances of the Trump family, Rosenstein refused to answer. investigated.

Rep. Smith: Do you think the Special Counsel was authorized to investigate the personal finances of the Trump family members?

Rod Rosenstein: We just don’t talk about what is under investigation… We’re simply not going to discuss it. When I start answering what is and isn’t… There are four persons who have been charged. That is what is known. If we don’t charge anybody with a crime, we don’t talk about it.

Bombard Body Language expert believes from his facial expressions and nervous fumbling during this questioning that the Deep State is already investigating the Trump Family business empire.

That is just criminal.

Rush Limbaugh was right a few months ago. In July Rush called the Mueller Special Counsel the “most massive opposition research operation ever conducted in America.”

The Deep State is out of control.
This is just shocking!
When will Jeff Sessions have the balls to shut down Mueller’s criminal operation?

The post Crooked Cop Rod Rosenstein Refuses to Tell Congress if Mueller Special Counsel Is Investigating Trump Business Empire (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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