
NY Democrat Calls For Investigation Into Allegations Linda Sarsour Enabled, Covered Up Sexual Assault

- Desember 19, 2017

As previously reported, far-left activist Linda Sarsour allegedly enabled sexual assault against a woman who worked for her at the Arab American Association in 2009. Sarsour then threatened the alleged victim with legal action if she went public with the claims. 

Allegations of groping and unwanted touching were allegedly brought to Sarsour during her time as executive director of the Arab American Association. In response, Sarsour, a self-proclaimed champion of women, attacked the woman bringing the allegations, often threatening and body-shaming her, these sources alleged, according to a report by The Daily Caller.

Linda Sarsour told the woman, Asmi Fathelbab she wasn’t attractive enough to be sexually harassed and it was impossible this particular man would do such a think given he’s a “good Muslim”.

Sarsour then threatened “legal damage,” if she dared to go public with the allegations. Nothing says feminist like a Sharia law activist who intimidates a woman for bravely reporting being sexually assaulted.

Dov Hikind, a Democrat State Assemblyman from Brooklyn, New York is calling for an investigation into allegations Linda Sarsour covered up sexual assault.

Hikind said in a statement:

“If Linda Sarsour enabled the sexual assault & harassment of a woman who worked for her, as alleged, this should concern everyone. Women everywhere should be demanding an investigation into these charges.”

This isn’t the first time Dov Hikind has gone after Linda Sarsour.

Hikind called on NY Governor, Andrew Cuomo to prevent Sarsour from giving a commencement speech at CUNY in April arguing ‘Sarsour’s support for terrorism disqualifies her’.

H/T The Daily Caller

The post NY Democrat Calls For Investigation Into Allegations Linda Sarsour Enabled, Covered Up Sexual Assault appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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