
WOW! FBI Is Abusing ‘Secrecy Powers,’ Mueller & Rosenstein Hid ‘Explosive Information From Congress For Months’

- Desember 19, 2017

With each passing day, it’s becoming clear there is more evidence to suggest both former President Barack Obama and failed candidate Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia than President Donald Trump. Yet, that hasn’t stopped both chambers of Congress and special counsel Robert Mueller from investigating ‘RussiaGate.’

In fact, FBI agent Peter Strzok’s text messages strongly suggest there was a concerted effort to not only excoriate Clinton of any wrong doing in her email probe, but remove President Trump from the White House. This is not merely the opinion of one reporter at The Gateway Pundit, but a view held by the lies of former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova.

Video credit: Tucker Carlson Tonight:

“It’s very clear that they conspired to frame the incoming President of the United States,” diGenova told Carlson last Friday.

If it was up to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Mueller, Strzok’s anti-Trump text messages would have never seen the light of day. Wall Street Journal‘s Kimberley Strassel writes that not only is the FBI abusing secrecy powers, but led an effort to hide key information from Congress for months.

Strassel writes in the Wall Street Journal (via Townhall):

…the FBI has plenty of things it needs to keep secret regarding national security and law enforcement. Let’s even acknowledge the bureau may be rightly concerned about turning some information over to today’s leak-prone Congress. Even so, in the specific case of its 2016 election behavior, the FBI is misusing its secrecy powers to withhold information whose disclosure is in the public interest. […]

But when did the FBI dig up and turn over that very first tranche? How long has the bureau known one of its lead investigators was exhibiting such bias? Was it before Mr. Mueller was even appointed? Did FBI leaders sit by as the special counsel tapped Mr. Strzok? In any case, we know from the letter that the inspector general informed both Messrs. [Deputy AG Rod] Rosenstein and Mueller of the texts on July 27, and that both men hid that explosive information from Congress for four months. The Justice Department, pleading secrecy, defied subpoenas that would have produced the texts. It refused to make Mr. Strzok available for an interview. It didn’t do all this out of fear of hurting national security, obviously. It did it to save itself and the FBI from embarrassment.

Strassel’s searing piece follows Rosenstein’s testy hearing before the House Judiciary Committee last Wednesday, where among other things, the Justice Department official refused to answer if the FBI funded the now discredited ‘Trump dossier.’

Video credit: Media Buzz:

The post WOW! FBI Is Abusing ‘Secrecy Powers,’ Mueller & Rosenstein Hid ‘Explosive Information From Congress For Months’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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