President Trump had his much awaited physical today and the results didn’t please any of the self-appointed authorities on dementia that have been present in their battalions for several months. The guy doing the briefing is Rear Admiral Dr. Ronny Jackson who has been the White House physician since 2013.
According to the presidential physician, Trump is 6’3”, 239 lbs., shows no signs of dementia, uses Propecia and does not have dentures.
— Twitter Moments (@TwitterMoments) January 16, 2018
That is a BMI of 29.9. The obese category starts at 30.0, so this puts Trump at the high end of overweight. The anti-Trump people being what they are will not be able to leave this alone. So read this story by Besty McKay on BMI and consider this:
Rear Adm. Dr. Ronny Jackson: I've spent everyday with the President and have never suspected he needed a mental exam (i.e. but because of this insane media narrative, we did one and he's totally normal)
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) January 16, 2018
For all of the people questioning President Trump's mental state: "WH physician Rear Admiral Dr. Ronny Jackson says he conducted cognitive and neurological exam of POTUS — per his request — and he has no concerns"
— Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) January 16, 2018
White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson: "I have absolutely no concern about his cognitive ability or neurological function." He said cognitive test was done only at the president's request. Scored 30/30 on the Montreal assessment.
— Gregory Korte (@gregorykorte) January 16, 2018
Citing Trump's lack of heart disease, cardiac issues, White House doctor says he has a 'very probable possibility' of completing presidency 'with no medical issues.'
— The Associated Press (@AP) January 16, 2018
Dr. Jackson estimates Pres. Trump sleeps "four to five hours a night," and takes Ambien "like we all do" to manage jet lag during overseas travel.
— Kayla Tausche (@kaylatausche) January 16, 2018
And then the White House press corps got involved.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta to Dr. Ronny Jackson: "[Trump] is taking a cholesterol lowering medication. He has evidence of heart disease and he's borderline obese. Can you characterize that as excellent health?"
— MzYun (@MzYun) January 16, 2018
I can help you out here, doc. You are saying he has signs of heart disease, not his doctor. A lot of people, including a boat load of physicians I personally work with, take statins prophylactically (and an alarming number, in my view, take ACE inhibitors as well). High cholesterol, like weight, is a risk factor for disease, not a sign of being unhealthy. There is more than a semantic difference there. But this is what happens when you and your network are invested in a particular narrative.
lmao — @jonkarl to doctor: "Can you explain to me how a guy who eats McDonald's, and Kentucky Fried Chicken and all those diet cokes and who never exercises is in as good a shape as you say he's in?"
— Jeremy Barr (@jeremymbarr) January 16, 2018
Karl, at least, has a sense of humor:
The answer, Dr. Jackson said, is “genetics”
— Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) January 16, 2018
This is the video of that Q&A:
Dr. Ronny Jackson drops bombshell report on Trumps health: it’s called genetics.
Media outraged!
— Nick Short
(@PoliticalShort) January 16, 2018
And Alzheimers came up:
Reporter to Dr. Ronny Jackson: "Are you ruling things out early onset Alzheimer’s, dementia?"
Jackson's response: "The fact that the president got 30 out of 30 on that exam I think there’s no indication he has any cognitive issues"
— Ryan Saavedra
(@RealSaavedra) January 16, 2018
Dr. Ronny Jackson has been the Presidential physician since 2013. Give the conspiracy theories a rest.
— Yashar Ali
(@yashar) January 16, 2018
Ummm, no thanks. Mental illness has its own logic.
In a sane world, this would close the issue of Trump’s physical and mental fitness to be president. It won’t because if Trump is healthy then a lot of people have revealed themselves to be buffoons by diagnosing dementia via MSNBC. And the interview wasn’t even over before CNN was not only moving the goalposts, they had the goalposts hooked to helicopters and carried away.
Here's how the next few hours will go. Trump supporters will say "Concerns about Trump's mental health were always absurd. Case closed now." The obvious response: "The Q's about fitness for office are serious. Someone could be sharp as a tack, but still unfit"
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) January 16, 2018
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