
Alyssa Milano Pounds the Door of a Congresswoman: All Women Are Right, Because Some Women Are Right

- September 27, 2018

Dang it.

Once cute actress, more recently rabid promoter of things dumb, Alyssa Milano pounded on a door Wednesday.


On the other side of the wooden divide was the office of Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, R-Miss. The pounding represented the intentions of a small mob led by the girl who is good at having lights shone onto her and puppeting words, yet for some reason suddenly believes she’s primed to save the world with her smarts.

Double 🙁

Milano wants women who support the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to rescind their endorsement.



There is none.

Nevertheless, Alyssa and the others shouted.

“Open the door! Hear the stories!”


Dear Alyssa,

As I have repeatedly made clear, I am a fan. You looked great in a multicolored sweater in the 80’s. Just wanted to tell you. Oh, and also: you are right — women do have stories. Sometimes their stories are happy. Sometimes their stories are sad. Sometimes they are true. And sometimes they are not. But whatever stories women have, and however they are, that has no logical bearing whatsoever on whether or not Brett Kavanaugh gang raped someone. Please buy books and be smart. And maybe buy this sweater:

But for the love of Pete, please stop trying to save the world. It isn’t your forte.

Another chant: “Open your heart! Hear the stories!”

Amid knocking, some of the women told stories of sexual abuse.


“No more silence! No more predators on the Supreme Court! No more! Never again!”


Wince with me, as we watch the video together. For her pounding on my 80’s-fueled affection for her — I mean, the door — start it at the 34:45 mark.

Triple 🙁

Follow my sad journey with Alyssa here, here, here, here, and here.

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The post Alyssa Milano Pounds the Door of a Congresswoman: All Women Are Right, Because Some Women Are Right appeared first on RedState.


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