
BREAKING: Man Tells Senate GOP He May Have “Had the Encounter” With Ford

- September 27, 2018

Senate Judiciary Committee staffers twice interviewed a man this week who believes he, not Brett Kavanaugh, may be the man who “had the encounter with Dr. Ford in 1982 that is the basis of his complaint,” an investigative report released late Wednesday revealed. Committee staff first spoke to the man Monday, then again Tuesday.

“Committee staff have a second interview with a man who believes he, not Judge Kavanaugh, had the encounter with Dr. Ford in the summer of 1982 that is the basis of her allegation. He described his recollection of their interaction in some detail.”

Following the second phone interview, they were provided a “more in-depth written statement from the man interviewed twice previously who believes he, not Judge Kavanuagh, had the encounter in question with Dr. Ford.”

To make things more confusing, the same report mentions that the Committee was contacted by a second man who thinks he might have had the encounter with Dr. Ford.

There is  no reason for either of these men to come forward to tell investigators that they might have committed a crime that has no statute of limitations. Obviously the Democrats will say that they could have been bribed or paid off by Kavanaugh or the GOP. But if either of these man have any type of life at all, there really isn’t anything the GOP could offer them that would make up for the loss of everything – and possibly liberty – that could be at issue.

In addition, the Committee was forwarded an anonymous letter by Sen. Kamala Harris’s office received making yet another claim of sexual assault against the Supreme Court nominee. This claim asserts that Kavanaugh and others raped her in the back seat of a car.

This situation was already crazy, and it will keep getting crazier until Sen. Grassley allows a vote, and then Sen. McConnell presses for a full vote. I was texting with a girlfriend earlier today who couldn’t keep up with the drama and wanted the TL;DR version. After updating her, I said, “They just need to vote. The Dems just keep seeking delays so they can create more accusations.” She replied, “Before you know it, he’ll be the Zodiac killer.” I started to laugh, but then I just couldn’t. It’s too close to being a possibility to find funny anymore.

Our system is being mocked by people sworn to uphold its principles and our founding documents. Time to vote, and maybe even throw a few people in jail afterward.

The post BREAKING: Man Tells Senate GOP He May Have “Had the Encounter” With Ford appeared first on RedState.


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