
In Case You Forgot, America Has a Budget Shutdown Looming

- September 26, 2018

You guys busy?

So while the Washington D.C. establishment has been consumed with all things Supreme Court and Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser who goes back and forth on showing up on Thursday, we have a budget deadline coming up.

Quickly. Like Friday.

The Federal budget year runs from Oct 1st until Sept 30th. So what this means is that the fiscal year 2018 ends on Sunday and the 2019 version begins on Monday, October 1st. Generally, though, the feds don’t work weekends so the day it all shuts down is the end of business Friday.

Back in April, in Politico, President Trump said this…

TRUMP EYES SEPTEMBER SHUTDOWN: President Donald Trump repeated his threat this weekend to shut the federal government down if he can’t secure funding for a border wall, this time in connection with a September spending bill. “We need the wall,” Trump told a crowd in Michigan on Saturday. “We come up again on September 28th, and if we don’t get border security, we’ll have no choice. We’ll close down the country because we need border security.”

Well, that is clear but of course, that was well before Justice Kennedy retired and Brett Kavanaugh and nominated and the progressive clown show rolled into town.

The latest update comes from Federal News Radio

Congress is set to pass a crucial spending bill that averts a government shutdown, but there’s one potential obstacle: President Donald Trump.

Neither party wants the government to close ahead of the midterm elections that will determine control of Congress, but Trump has made clear his frustration at the lack of additional money for his long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. He says it is “ridiculous” the wall has yet to be fully funded.

With less than a week before a Sept. 30 deadline for a partial shutdown, Republican leaders hope they can get Trump to set aside his frustration about the wall and sign legislation that funds the military and a host of civilian agencies for the next year. The bill also would provide a short-term fix to keep the government running through Dec. 7.

So hopefully with all this mess going on with SCOTUS, they get the temporary spending bill passed to keep the government running until after the election, wait until after the midterms to see who keeps the House and the Senate and we start this all over again.

How much fun.

The only thing that would really add some more craziness to this is if one of the four libs on the Supreme Court decided they wanted to leave the court and travel to Jamaica. Permanently.

Can you imagine that battle after this one?

A boy can dream!!

In case you missed my other post on a different subject Brett Kavanaugh Is A Better Human Being Than Senate Dems, So He Must Be Destroyed and my podcast Bourbon On The Rocks check it out and follow me on the twitters at IRISHDUKE2

The post In Case You Forgot, America Has a Budget Shutdown Looming appeared first on RedState.


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