
Kamala Harris Champions Sexual Abuse Survivors – Unless They’re Victims of Catholic Priests

- September 26, 2018

Judging by her grilling of Brett Kavanaugh, if you viewed it through progressive eyes, you’d think Kamala Harris was a champion of government transparency and protector of women.

(Of course, RedState readers are too smart to fall for it.)

Much like her outrage, Kamala Harris’ affection for open government is selective.

If you’re not as familiar with Kamala’s background as those of us who’ve been cursed to know her name for years, Kamala started out as a Deputy District Attorney in Alameda County, or, the Oakland area. After dating Willie Brown and getting to know the San Francisco set (much like her buddy Gavin Newsom), she joined the San Francisco City Attorney, and was eventually elected DA of the City and County of San Francisco in 2003.

She was there until she was elected as the Attorney General of California (a dark, dark day) in 2010, and then we foisted her on the rest of the country by electing her to the Senate in 2016.

In Kamala’s DA years, which coincided with Newsom’s run as Mayor of San Francisco, the seeds for the current disgusting state of San Francisco were sown and she honed her skills in using the force of law to intimidate political opponents and to protect guilty allies.

Disgustingly, Kamala refused to turn over San Francisco Archdiocese files in her office’s possession that “contain details of how the church dealt internally with alleged pedophile priests going back as far as 80 years.”

In 2005 Ron Russell, then a writer with SF Weekly, wrote a series of articles about sexual abuse within the San Francisco Archdiocese. He searched through court records from civil lawsuits and found that “during the 1990s and 2000s, [then-Archbishop William] Levada helped keep allegations against pedophile priests shrouded in secrecy. Alleged abusers included Salesian Brother Salvatore Billante, who police alleged had sexual relations with at least 24 children.”

Levada also covered up charges against Father Gregory Ingels.

“After learning in 1996 that Ingels had been accused of sodomizing a 15-year-old boy, Levada allowed Ingels not just to remain in public ministry, but to flourish for years as a force in church legal matters. And Levada continued to support Ingels as a church official — even after learning of a second serious allegation of sexual abuse by the priest.

With Levada’s blessing, Ingels served as an adjunct professor at St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park and performed parish duties at St. Bartholomew Church in San Mateo without parishioners ever being told that their priest was an accused molester.”

Levada did not report those accusations to authorities as he should have. But it gets worse. Ingels, a legal scholar, was considered a “leading expert on priestly sex abuse,”  testified as an expert witness for the Church in defending against civil sex abuse lawsuits in “courts all over the country,” and “lectured on the topic at clerical gatherings in the United States and around the world.”

Here’s the capper: Ingels “provided legal advice and spiritual counsel to priests accused of molesting children.”

In 2005, Levada went to the Vatican, where, as Cardinal Levada, he “is the chief Vatican official charged with responding to global allegations of clergy abuse.” In 2010 he wrote an op-ed on the Holy See’s website, “denouncing The New York Times for publishing clergy abuse stories he claimed did not sufficiently highlight the church’s purported zeal in rooting out predatory priests.”

SF Weekly reporters, among others, requested a copy of the DA’s files on Catholic clergy sexual abuse. For five long years, despite her predecessor saying there was no reason to withhold the documents, Kamala’s office told reporters to pound sand. In 2010, SF Weekly filed a Public Records Act request to compel her to release the documents. A deputy DA replied that “Harris’ investigative files were not subject to California’s government transparency laws.”

Say what? The reporter, Matt Smith, conferred with legal counsel and was told that the DA’s office could release the files if they wanted to. Other Bay Area District Attorneys made their files public, but Kamala’s office never did. The only thing her office produced, after seven weeks, was a smarta$$ statement:

“District Attorney Harris focuses her efforts on putting child molesters in prison. We’re not interested in selling out our victims to look good in the paper. When this case was brought under Terence Hallinan, prosecutors took the utmost care to protect the identity and dignity of the victims. That was the right thing to do then and it’s the right thing to do now.”

But, now that the cases were resolved, Hallinan told reporters he was of the opinion that Kamala should release the documents. Victims’ names could and should be redacted, but the public, especially members of the Catholic Church, have the right to know who the pedophiles were and what their leaders did (or didn’t do) to solve the problem.

Kamala Harris now has the gall to bully Brett Kavanaugh about producing every memo he ever wrote, and to pose as a person who’s only interested in protecting people from sexual predators.

Put a sock in it.

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