Guest post by Ted Malloch author of The Plot to Destroy Trump
President Trump is expected to speak to the United Nations Tuesday morning.
President Trump joins other world leaders in New York this week for the opening of the United Nations General Assembly session. He will also chair a Security Council meeting on Iran, as the US is president of the council this year.
Everyone expects another round of confrontation. Trump will make his views on Iran, trade, North Korea and America First policies the thrust of his remarks.
Other world leaders generally stand in awe but detest him and the United States, with few exceptions.
Does it matter?
In his book Tower of Babble, a former UN ambassador accused the United Nations of fueling global chaos because of its moral relativism.
Well, really how bad is the UN?
Donald Trump has said he will send a message to the organization and it is not going to be one they want to hear or they will swallow well. He said in a campaign speech, “The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. It’s not a friend to freedom.”
Only 75 of the 193 members are real democracies, according to Freedom House, who rank such things. They are in for a shock under President Trump, who wants to cut our payments (25% of the whole budget) and drop out of much of what parades as rampant internationalism—and is truly a movement toward one world government.
He has already removed the US from UNESCO, reinstituted the Mexico City doctrine on not funding abortions or population control and cut the US contribution to UNRWA the Palestinian refugee debacle.
Make no mistake, the ideology of the UN is globalism and it has not worked.
Trump knows this.
With 17 specialized agencies, 14 funds, a Secretariat of 18 departments, and over 40,000 over-paid employees, a budget of $5.4 billion a year, peacekeeping missions at $9 billion a year, another $28 billion a year for disaster and development, the UN is by any measure an utter and complete catastrophe.
Most of us have heard about the UN Population Fund that pays for forced abortions and sterilization but few know of the UN’s far-reaching tentacles, let alone its Human Rights Commission that is anti-human rights. The members on that Commission include wonderful and open states like: Algeria, Bolivia, Congo, Cuba, Maldives, Qatar, Russia, Venezuela, and Viet Nam.
Now, I know this up close and personal because during part of the Reagan administration I had the top UN job in Europe.
The fish stinks.
Believe me, the UN is a vast and highly politicized bureaucracy with a non-democratic character that is the most ineffective of all international organizations.
In all honesty, it has had very few real successes since the days of
U Thant.
The UN has missed just about every opportunity given to it and especially the more recent ones aimed at reforming itself. It can’t stop ethnic cleansing or genocide and certainly has zero effect on Islamic jihadism. It can’t glue together failed states, like Syria, or stop bloody wars in places from Rwanda to Sri Lanka.
All attempts to restructure its leadership, finances, infrastructure and the system itself, have had little to no effect.
We need to give up.
On the other hand, it has done everything in its power, flying in our face, to establish a Palestinian state in spite of the well-founded allegations of anti-Semitism. Resolution # 3379 is a case in point, equating Zionism with racism.
And when it comes to scandals, the UN tops the all-time worst list.
It’s Oil for Food fiasco, (watch the movie: Backstabbing for Beginners) many peacekeeping atrocities, and child sexual abuse scandals, to name but a prominent few, have lead to a near total lack of accountability.
When I was in the UN many people were on the take and Mr. 10%, in the form of kickbacks, was all over the institution.
One fact is certain: corruption abounds.
So, more than 70 years on and about half a trillion dollars later, Trump is right to ask: for what?
The UN is bloated, undemocratic, expensive, fragmented and produces few tangible results beyond more platitudes and unattainable leftwing goals. It is a sinecure for aging diplomats and a dumping ground for cronies. And its permanent employees after five years get grandiose tax free salaries, free education, duty free alcohol, cigarettes, housing and petrol. You’d love such a gig, right?
All the audits of the organization turn up the same evidence but nothing comes of them. Dag Hammarskjold, the second UN Secretary General, once remarked about the UN, it was created not to lead mankind to heaven but to save humanity from hell.”
Trump needs to ask if this is actually true? Or, is the UN instead, a kind of hell on earth? Is it a drag on world peace and does it resist all suggestions of reform because of its entrenched elites and do-nothing, high-minded, globalist civil servants?
One establishment school of thought keeps saying, if you didn’t have the UN, you’d have to invent it.
Trump should take up the offer and pronounce the 1945 folly, dead on his arrival in New York this week. Read it its last rites and build a new, vibrant Council of Democracies, more suited to the 21st century.
This bipartisan idea, which was actually backed by the late Senator McCain, among others, suggesting a league of only democratic member states that met certain requirements, has its philosophical basis in Kant’s notion of ‘perpetual peace. ‘
Autocracies would be excluded and the new body could provide a very modest multilateral vehicle and end the nonsensical Security Council veto in instances as far ranging as Sudan’s Darfur, North Korea, or Burma.
Controversial former US ambassador, John Bolton, now Trump’s National Security Advisor, was absolutely right when he said, “Quasi-religious faith in engagement and the UN has run into empirical reality,” we should, “become more cognizant of that organization’s moral and political limitations.”
Trump should listen to Bolton not his unfaithful, Never Trumper Ambassador, Nikki Haley, who likes her expensive curtains and title too much.
In truth Bolton, not known for his diplomatic demeanor, was being too polite.
Trump should sever the chord and stop paying for an anti-American diatribe that does not fulfill its original mission. That tower on East 42th Street in New York City should be put out of business and could be turned into a new Trump edifice with a good water view.
The post Malloch: Trump Pounds the UN Again… appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.