Senatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke is the Left’s Great Hope against Terrible Ted Cruz, and there’s a new image sure to give wings to the wishes of the Democratic masses.
An Austin artist — Chris Rogers — has created a mural…of O’Rourke as a Superman.
Which villain would that make Ted?
Rogers documented the progress on Instagram; according to Austin Monthly, the work required 40 hours of tender loving care.
The image portrays Beto with his shirt opened, revealing a “B” on his chest.
A press release unveiled the theme of the mural:
“Out of the darkness comes the light.”
Austin Monthly seems particularly psyched about the goofy painting:
“Rogers continues to bring hope with his newest mural.”
Hope! Continuously!
Check it out:
Oh, yes, the "Super-Beto" mural:
— Rachel Ann Scott (@RachelAnnScott1) October 25, 2018
Y'ALL. New east Austin mural titled ‘Beto for Texas’ unveiled by artist Chris Rogers yesterday. @BetoORourke
— Megan Kimble (@megankimble) October 23, 2018
People were lovin’ it! He’s a rockstar:
Beto O’Rourke meets Chris Rogers, the artist behind “Beto for Texas”, a new mural in East Austin. The mural was introduced on Monday, the first day of early voting in Texas. @BetoORourke @chrisrogersart @ChrisEvans_TX #VoteWithBeto #Beto #BetoForTexas #BetoORourke #Texas #Austin
— Katie Randolph (@ktrandolph) October 25, 2018
Bad news, however — Just days after its completion, a supervillain struck:
Mural of "superhero" Beto O'Rourke vandalized just days after being put up in Austin
— The Hill (@thehill) October 28, 2018
It shouldn’t be too much of a defeat; we all know every great hero comes back in a sequel.
I assume hispanic SuperBeto’s secret identity would be mild-mannered white guy, Robert O’Rourke.
But I have questions for you, RedState readers —
In addition to what villain Ted would be:
What do you think the “B” should stand for?
What’s SuperBeto’s kryptonite?
I anxiously await your comments.
Also — It looks like our hero may have a formidable rival:
See 3 more pieces from me: a jockey in panties, celebrating George H.W., and Rodman winning me over.
Find all my RedState work here.
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