
The RedState Box Office Report

- Oktober 29, 2018

Myers takes another swipe at success.

With only one serious new release it was an easy week for the holdovers. Crowds still desired to be spooked on the eve of Halloween, rather than be immersed in intrigue dozens of fathoms below. The weekend total has pushed the monthly total to a record October haul.

Normally this is a dumping ground segment, with cheap horror and dispatched titles that studios want to get rid of on the cheap. Like the rest of the year however there has been robust audience interest. So far the month has drawn over $30 more than the 2014 record, and with just another $10 million total in the next 3 days the month will top $800 million for the first time ever. Those are some scary good numbers.


1.  HALLOWEEN – $32.04 Million
The smash hit has held on for a strong second week. Even with a heavily front-loaded opening last weekend there was a show of strength. Normally horror sees at least a drop of over -60%, and here the remake/sequel/reboot dips -58%. Already it has hit the $125 million mark.

2. A STAR IS BORN – $14.14m
A true artistic smash, the hit drama only drops -26% after a month in release, and it is actually adding screens. Just about at the $150 million mark it has also added another $100 million in foreign ticket sales. Just as it is fading the awards season love should kick in and extend the success.

3. VENOM – $10.80m

Continuing its strong run by next weekend Sony’s foray into the comic universe should be at $200 million earned. It has crossed over $500 million globally.

4. GOOSEBUMPS 2 – $7.5m
It has just made back its budget, and only modest interest overseas. It will be a challenge, but may eventually get to break-even status.

Gerard Butler stars in a submarine thriller set underwater that underwhelmed. Not unlike last year’s deliciously inept “Geostorm” this was more in line with those titles dumped into this soft patch on the schedule. Given a modest projection under $10 million it still managed to come up short. When weighed against a budget of $40 million this debut did not even cover Butler’s salary on the film. Lionsgate is expected to make a more serious push in the foreign markets with this attempt.

6. THE HATE U GIVE – $5.1m
Fox is still hoping to get some awards love for this, although the early release means it would be unlikely to reap much theater business off of any notice it could earn. The secondary markets would be where the gains may be found.

7. FIRST MAN – $4.93m
Sinking more like Gerard Butler’s sub, the awards hopeful just has not latched on with audiences. The cast fumbling by explaining away the importance of America’s space program in the moon landing is proving to be a miscalculation.

8. SMALLFOOT – $4.75m
This animated lark has done well enough, lingering for five weeks now while only shedding a few hundred theaters. It still shows on over 2,600 screens as it has hiked up past $70 million.

9. NIGHT SCHOOL – $3.25m
Sticking around, on just under 2,000 screens. A rare moderate comedy hit these days.

10. MID 90S – $3.0m
Jonah Hill directs this coming of age drama set around a pre-teen skateboard community. He has received mostly praiseworthy critiques and the studio expanded this into 1,000+ screens.

The post The RedState Box Office Report appeared first on RedState.


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