A group among the Central American migrant caravan is demanding the U.S. (that would be, me and you) pay them $50,000 a person so they can return home.
Hey — I think that’s a great idea; I’m traveling at the moment, and I’m basically from the center of America. So I’d like $50,000 to get home, too. That’d pay for my plane ticket, and then something really useful, like a serpent-headed, diamond encrusted cane. Any of you in?
Well, the genius leading that campaign — Alfonso Guerrero Ulloa — is actually a Latin American terrorism suspect.
This, according to the San Diego Tribune-Union:
Ulloa claims he was falsely accused of attacking a Chinese restaurant in Honduras in 1987. He has been living outside Honduras for 30 years, according to an online petition he wrote asking the U.S. government to exonerate him.
In case you missed the initial story, Ulloa’s group trekked to the U.S. Consulate, where they presented a letter demanding the cool $50,000, PLUS…
…this is a good one…
plus — as stated by The Daily Wire — “the removal of U.S. economic and military interests in Honduras, which they blame for the nation’s current poor conditions.”
I’m just guessing here, but I think this would be a “Check’s in the mail” type of situation.
In October of ’87, The New York Times ran a story on the terrorist attack for which Ulloa was blamed:
Mexico has granted permanent asylum in its embassy here to a man suspected of planting a bomb that exploded in a Chinese restaurant in August, slightly wounding six United States soldiers and a Honduran civilian.
Way to go, Mexico.
As per TDW:
The U.S. accused the Mexican government of “harboring a ‘terrorist’ in violation of all international conventions,” and launched a covert protest of the Mexican government in response.
Yeah. Definitely “Way to go.”
One thing you have to say about the soap opera that is the Central American migrant caravan story: it’s never less than interesting (such as here, here, here, here, and here).
Stay tuned.
See 3 more pieces from me: De Niro as a friar, the mother of Lucifer, and HOPE.
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