Hillary Clinton speaks at the Hunter College graduation ceremony in NYC. 5/29/19. Screen grab via NBC News.
Students ready to put years of hard work behind them, celebrate their graduation, and get started on their respective career paths were treated to a blatantly political and self-centered commencement speech given by twice failed candidate for president Hillary Clinton on Wednesday.
The Associated Press reports:
Clinton’s bluntly political speech to members of the class of 2019 at Hunter College was delivered at Madison Square Garden hours after Mueller made his first public comments about his probe into election meddling.
Referencing Mueller’s remarks, Clinton said the allegation that Russians had attempted to sway U.S. voters “deserves the attention of every American,” and she condemned Trump for largely dismissing Mueller’s work as a witch hunt.
“What we’ve seen from the administration is a complete refusal to condemn a foreign power who attacked our democracy,” she said. “We’ve got to deal with what has been investigated and reported.”
“What do we do when people in positions of authority are not held accountable? When they defy requests from Congress? When they spread misinformation online?” the Democrat said, suggesting it was up to the graduates to find solutions to such problems.
Clinton also took a jab at Facebook:
“When Facebook refused to take down a fake video of Nancy Pelosi, it wasn’t even a close call,” Clinton told the graduates. “The video is sexist trash. And YouTube took it down but Facebook kept it up.”
The former presidential candidate then suggested that a message be sent to Facebook to show opposition to the tech giant’s decision, and she warned that the site would be “flooded” with “false and doctored videos” if nothing happens.
Her full speech can be viewed below:
Twitter users called Clinton out for using the speech to air her personal and political grievances instead of making it about the students:
Lmaooooooo imagine making it through college, going to graduation, thinking you’re going to have someone give an inspirational speech, and Hillary Clinton shows up and talks about the 2016 election and how the Russians interfered and THATS why she lost. 2019 is THE YEAR.
— chels (@thefunnymuggle) May 31, 2019
Imagine working hard for years and spending thousands of dollars to get a degree and then a bitter politician is selected to give the commencement speech at your graduation ceremony and that politician complains the entire time about people making fun of their party https://t.co/dAiAPOmXzO
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 30, 2019
Is it possible that Hunter College actually paid Hillary Clinton for this speech?
Imagine having to listen to someone complaining about the world, and be a victim on the very day you want to be celebrated and reflect on your own accomplishments. #Loser
— Mr Pomp (@tonypompliano) May 31, 2019
Clinton invited to speak at Hunter commencement ceremony. One of the most important days in the lives of these young adults, and Clinton makes speech about herself and how election chested her. She defines elitist egotism.
— d janko (@djanko112) May 31, 2019
Some Twitter users pointed out something I noticed, too: Some of the graduates sitting behind Clinton looked visibly bored and agitated:
You're such a narcissist! That speech you gave today at Hunter College was a joke, take a look at the expressions of those behind you….I would have walked out!
— Rebecca Vazquez (@vazr00) May 31, 2019
Hillary Clinton spoke at my daughters hunter college graduation yesterday I was there and boy were the grads bored it was blah blah blah me blab blab blab im still upset get over it YOU LOST not very uplifting speech for the new graduates check it out for yourself its on youtube
— steven murphy (@kidbaseball57) May 30, 2019
As I’ve written before when she’s made similar remarks, it’s just really rich to see her of all people complaining about people in positions of authority not being held accountable, especially when you consider how Clinton herself managed to avoid indictment in 2016 in spite of all the evidence against her as it related to her email server scandal.
Clinton’s rationale for continuing to bang the Mueller drum is not just political, it’s personal – very personal. Her loss to Trump in 2016 had to be devastating to her. Very embarrassing, too, considering she was a “sure thing” if you listened to so-called political experts and polling gurus.
Some have called the investigation into Russian interference a “coup attempt” against Trump, but for Hillary, the investigation has been a way for her to soothe her bruised ego over the fact she was defeated. She’s convinced herself that without the interference she would have won the election.
The students at Hunter College deserved a speech that was centered around them, their accomplishments, and their futures, not a political bashfest with insinuations about what could have been for her in 2016. Clinton’s defenders will call this her greatest speech ever, but in reality this was not a good look for her. Not good a good look at all.
—Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–
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